The Next Level Of Personalized Print On Demand (CAI Customizer)

The Next Level Of Personalized Print On Demand (CAI Customizer)

Personalized print on demand products are great because you make a lot more money when you sell these – higher perceived value, higher profit margins.

A popular strategy for Shopify Stores is to integrate the CAI Customizer App into their shop to allow for full customization of any Printful POD Product!

Featured In The Video: CAI Customizer at

CAI Customizer is a super powerful, yet easy to use, Shopify App that is a must have in your print on demand store.

With CAI Customizer, you can allow your customers to fully design and personalize Printful print on demand products directly in your Shopify Store.

This means we can sell products at higher prices, collect higher profit margins, and everything is still automated with print on demand!

Highly recommended – get CAI Customizer in your store today at

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